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After mobility

After mobility

The College of Information Technology will adhere to ECHE guidelines in section of after mobility

  • Provide incoming mobile students and their sending institutions with transcripts of records containing a full, accurate and timely record of their achievements at the end of their mobility period
  • Ensure that all ECTS credits gained for learning outcomes satisfactorily achieved during a period of study/training abroad, including during blended mobility are fully and automatically recognised as agreed in the learning agreement and confirmed by the transcript of records/traineeship certificate. They shall be transferred without delay into the student’s records, shall be counted towards the student’s degree without any additional work or assessment of the student and shall be traceable in the student’s transcript of records and the Diploma Supplement
  • Ensure the inclusion of satisfactorily completed study and/or traineeship mobility activities in the final record of student achievements (the Diploma Supplement)
  • Encourage and support mobile participants upon return to act as ambassadors of the Programme, promote the benefits of mobility and actively engage in building alumni communities
  • Ensure that staff is given recognition for their teaching and training activities undertaken during the mobility period, based on a mobility agreement and in line with the institutional strategy

Ulica Vjekoslava Klaića 7, 10000 Zagreb, tel. 01/3764200 fax. 01/3764264